Giving Back.

Why Give Back?

The idea of philanthropy has been present in the earliest discussions of how successful people should live. In Aristotle's discussion of ethics, he identified that one of the traits of the 'good person' is that they give back large amounts of their wealth to the community in which they live. WE live by what WE give!

Become a Member

Share your passion for business & philanthropy in the Middle East and achieve more by collaborating with others through our Philanthropy Club.

Here's how it works:

75% of each annual membership fee is invested in our Philanthropy Fund for grant-making in the here and now, making an immediate impact in the community. The other 25% is used in the facilitation of operations, events and networking meetings for the Philanthropy Club.

  • Each member is invited to become an Executive Committee Member.
  • Each member is also offered Business Advisory and/or Philanthropic Advisory.
  • Members have the option of meeting quarterly at our private Executive Roundtables in Dubai to network, interact with guest experts, consider grant applications, vote and get updates on funded projects.
  • Members can also volunteer their time, skills and resources to grantee organisations.

If you decide to join Philanthropy Club, you can connect and participate with other high-level members, join knowledge sharing sessions, receive information via newsletter and have access to our private Executive Roundtables. All of these act as a guide to collaborative philanthropic opportunities that can truly benefit those less fortunate.

Below are the 3 Membership Groups we offer:

$10,000 PA

Become a Sponsor

Take your place as a Roundtable Sponsor and not only will you get the opportunity to get involved but you can also network with some AMAZING business owners while creating more awareness for what you do and how it serves Philanthropy Club members.

Contact us today about becoming a Roundtable Sponsor.

Apply Today

Membership to Philanthropy Club is strictly by application.